Book jacket redesign by books written by Robert Greene
The 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene demonstrates 48 ‘keys’ to power by using historical anecdotes of legendary transactions, from all around the world. Greene teaches the reader to subtly observe the key in action, understand the tactics of the key, and avoid misusing the key–all while using using crisma, wit, and confidence.
The Art of Seduction 
Greene defines seduction as more than just attractiveness, but rather the ability to mastermind a natural “love spell”. He illustrates seduction by using legendary accounts of the art in action, telling stories from Cleopatra to Albert Einstein. In four phases, Greene teaches how powerful seduction looks when done right–testing human patience, suspense, and desire.
The 33 Strategies of War
The author defines war as being more than strategic tactics of direct combat, patiently being able to entertain psychological game against your opponent. He illustrates successful tactics of war with legendary examples of warfare, using stories from Hannibal to Ulysses S. Grant. In five stages, Greene demonstrates powerful, controlled warfare done right–using patience, observations, and preparations.

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